Results for Excadrill EX

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Excadrill EX

Excadrill EX

EX Battle Boost

Excadrill - 174/162

Excadrill - 174/162

SV05: Temporal Forces

Excadrill (Secret)

Excadrill (Secret)

SM - Cosmic Eclipse

Excadrill - 086/162

Excadrill - 086/162

SV05: Temporal Forces

Excadrill - 079/071

Excadrill - 079/071

SV5M: Cyber Judge

Excadrill (Omega)

Excadrill (Omega)

XY - Primal Clash

Excadrill (56)

Excadrill (56)

Emerging Powers

Excadrill - 059/049

Excadrill - 059/049

SM11b: Dream League

Excadrill (57)

Excadrill (57)

Dark Explorers

Excadrill (57)

Excadrill (57)

Emerging Powers

Excadrill - 56/98 (Cosmos Holo)

Excadrill - 56/98 (Cosmos Holo)

Blister Exclusives

Excadrill (56)

Excadrill (56)

Dark Explorers

Excadrill (#17 Non-Holo)

Excadrill (#17 Non-Holo)

BW Trainer Kit: Excadrill & Zoroark

Pokemon cardPokemon cardPokemon card

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